• 10.00am - 5.30pm
  • FREE
  • Chelsea, London
  • 10.00am - 5.30pm
  • FREE
  • Chelsea, London

Workshops for schools

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School students getting to grips with the handling collection
Secondary workshop

1 June 2024 - 18 July 2025


World at War: Soldiers of Empire

Discover more about the contributions of soldiers from the British Empire in the First and Second World Wars.

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School students getting to grips with the handling collection
Secondary workshop

1 June 2024 - 18 July 2025


The Cold War: Mission reconnaissance

Find out about key events during the Cold War and discover Brixmis, the secret reconnaissance arm of the British Army in occupied Germany.

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’Mutinous Sepoys’, c1857
Secondary (virtual)

1 June 2024 - 18 July 2025


The Indian ‘Mutiny’? (virtual)

Analyse evidence from documents and artefacts, then curate an exhibition to make a case for whether the conflict was a mutiny or war of independence.

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A British medical orderly treats a wounded German soldier, c1916
Secondary (virtual)

1 June 2024 - 18 July 2025


Trench medicine: Illnesses, injuries and their treatment (virtual)

Explore artefacts and sources on the causes and treatment of injuries and illnesses on the Western Front during the First World War, and assess the impact of these innovations.

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School students getting to grips with the handling collection
Secondary workshop

1 June 2024 - 18 July 2025


Trench medicine: Illnesses, injuries and their treatment

Explore artefacts and sources on the causes and treatment of injuries and illnesses on the Western Front during the First World War, and assess the impact of these innovations.

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The Indian 'Mutiny'?
Secondary workshop

1 June 2024 - 18 July 2025


The Indian ‘Mutiny’?

Analyse evidence from sources and artefacts to make a case for how the 1857 uprising in India should be interpreted.

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Recruitment and conscription
Secondary workshop

1 June 2024 - 18 July 2025


Recruitment and conscription

Analyse recruitment posters from the Museum's collection and multimedia recreations of First World War parliamentary debates to explore the history of Army recruitment and conscription.

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Mission accomplished? Comparing First World War battles
Secondary workshop

1 June 2024 - 18 July 2025


Mission accomplished? Examining First World War battles

Investigate four key battles through primary sources and decide whether they can be considered victories or defeats.

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"First time @NAM_London today. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible..."